Kids, Work, and Me?

The days when your children are in elementary school are full.  Too full sometimes.  I sometimes get to 9pm and realize I've hardly sat down.  Not a lot of me time in there.  Balancing kids, work, relationships with husband and friends, and me time isn't easy.  Sometimes I just need a time-out.  That is what I did.  I snuck away and read my book last night and enjoyed a bit of quiet time.  Yes, dinner was late and yes the kids went to bed late, but I still spent time with DH and got to bed at a reasonable time.
When I focus too much on a certain part of life, mainly financial, I create unbalance.  I've found that prayer and refocused attention has greatly reduced anxiety.  Thinking about other parts of life give me joy.  I've been baking more, playing more, reading more, enjoy friends more.

Today the dog is going to the groomer.  He needs it.  I love having a dog that doesn't shed.  Paying for someone else to groom him might not be someone elses idea of frugalism, but I don't cut anyone's hair in my house either!  They won't let me touch their hair!  I've got a record.
Baseball, Soccer, and Softball keep us busy this time of year.  The weather has been nice in So CA, and during practices I get a bit of me time while they practice.


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