How To Give Your Budget A Kick In The Pants
Multi-Tasking Doing things step by step is a good idea. We follow Dave Ramsey's principals. It keeps you focused on one single goal. Multi-tasking is not my forte, so I've learned to do one thing well and when it is finished move on to the next thing. In life, this doesn't always work. With three kids, sometimes I need to do three things at once. Usually no one gets my full attention and nothing is completed quickly or accurately. Sometimes I don't even hear what they say. So to focus on one child at a time while the other two wait, works much better for me. Even in cooking when the rice needs to cook while the chicken is baking and the veggies need to be steamed, I usually get two of the three done and we end up waiting for the third thing to finish cooking. Our home budget had been humming along in slow mode. Small deposits going into multiple tiny sinking funds, for future purchases: Christmas, auto repairs, animals, acco...